for Jennifer Lee
this is the growing of things birthing of skin
and bone stem and leaf this is planet
earth beneath snowlight and desert sand
this is the place to find human beings walking down
the street with their souls drifting just ahead of them
with their faces half-lit by their own eyes
this is where you find the bodied and unbodied
living and the dead also apple seeds and moonfish
swimming by with heartbeats like fingernails
pinching and releasing flesh their minds turning
in their sockets once every hour
this is where glair and yolk sing to the heavens
where each clade is born to their spiritual dimensions
where God and the absence of God are interchangeable
where the prayer on the lips and the claw in the pulse
send the same message to the stars.
in this world every life is a grubstake and a courtship
with affections foraging and fretting beneath the sun’s heat
with rootings of pain running down deep into soil
with sorrows immaculate and tacking steadily ahead
every grief transfixed on a breath
every teardrop tigering through a vein
in this world there are beehives and mice there are
rivers and seas and a great darkness perched
on each grain of sand at the water’s edge in this world
all life is connected right back to the flyblown point
of our origins here everything moves towards
the apparitional eventually ghosting outside the frame
even us especially us with our religious endgames
and our backstairs to paradise.
on this globe there are lightning strikes and plankton
there are population shifts among prophecies
and superstitions at night there is the homily
of quietude there is the homily of similitude
during the day there is the discourse on going forth
the discourse on building up at the graveside
there is the preachment of falling down
on this globe chickadees sing and glaciers calve
and the spirit flows with blood through
a wickery of veins and arteries
with imaginings packed in among the body’s organs
with a heart that is kept polished like a red apple
in case the Teacher arrives unexpectedly
in the guise of a drifting cloud or a fly’s wing
or a sprig of angelica from somewhere
in the green world.
on this planet you must listen carefully
to stones and rain to the creaking hinge
on each blade of grass you must look
long and hard at other beings
and if they’re not iridescent like chatoyant silk
you have no business on this green surface
floating in infinite space
on this planet there are yellow jackets
and red-tailed hawks each with a consciousness
to match there are gametes with circular psyches
sighing upward to a multiplicity
there are lifetimes spent in soil there are minds
of water and salt huge ocean-going minds calling
to one another pressing their thoughts against
strengthenings of inner light
on this planet every sigh creates a morphic resonance
somewhere in the dark corners of light
in that shadow rising out of light
the mind’s shadow its brevity its silent grace
its faint edges dispersing and gathering in again
unsure of where to settle down for the night.
Richly metaphysical, this poem will leave you in deep contemplation.
Excerpt from Fetishes of the Floating World by Don Domanski, published by Brick Books. Copyright 2021, Don Domanski. Reprinted with permission.